Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy is a potential energy of particles inside an atomic nucleus. There are a lot of Nuclear Power plants around the world right now. Everybody knows the Nuclear power is useful, but most of us didn't face the problems of Nuclear power plants until the Janpanese Nuclear Crisis. There was an accident in 1979 in U.S., which is called Three Mile Island accident. That's the second largest accident in the world history. I don't agree to build any more plants, because it costs more than $800 million dollars per one. In 2011, we still in the Great Economic Recession, we still have economic problems, so we don't want to spend a lot on the plants that there are still so many arguements on the safety problems on the plants. Therefore, I am going to do some more research on this topic to surport my opinions which is we should find better way to produce clean energy and helps our economic growth.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

TEPCO vs. Nuclear Crisis

The article discusses the efforts of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) to contain the radioactive leaks at its Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Japan. The plant operator expects it will take six to nine months to contain the radiation leaking from the complex since the cooling systems at the plant's six reactors were damaged by an earthquake-triggered tsunami that inundated Japan's Pacific coast on March 2011. TEPCO has unveiled a phased road map to bring the crisis under control. "The industry ministry said Friday that Tokyo Electric Power Co has made around 1,000 mistakes in relation to key information that the ministry has used for mandatory power-saving goals to be imposed on large-lot electricity users from July 1." Therefor, TEPCO should be responsible to the Japanese for the mistakes that made the catastrophe worse. There is information of TEPCO that I found out as following: The Tokyo Electric Power Company, also known as Toden , is an electric utility servicing Japan's Kantō region, Yamanashi Prefecture, and the eastern portion of Shizuoka Prefecture. This area includes Tokyo. Its headquarters are located in Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda, Tokyo, and international branch offices exist in Washington, D.C., and London. TEPCO is the fourth largest electric power company in the world and the largest to hail from Asia. The amount of electricity it sells annually is the same as the amount Italy uses in a year. Tepco has one-third of the Japanese electric market. Tepco is the largest of the 10 electric utilities in Japan.

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